How to take a few dry scientific facts and turn it into
a lifestyle story with
broad consumer appeal
• Take a small study on animals that demonstrated how maple syrup might be a healthier sweetener than refined sugar and get extensive TV coverage and social media exposure without full-fledged clinical trials and proof from the medical community
• Build credibility for Maple Syrup from Canada as a healthy alternative sweetener through the voices of experts at the American Chemical Society
• Create a Video News Package hosted by lifestyle reporter Katlean De Monchy and distribute it to TV stations nationwide
• Even without full scientific proof, the target audience of caring moms as well as the medical community were receptive to the idea of Maple Syrup from Canada as a healthier sweetener.
• Top researchers at the annual meeting of The American Chemical Society spoke on camera adding value to the message and driving broadcast coverage in the medical community.
• 3.6 million viewers were reached with our Video News Package.
• A Twitter party with Mommy Bloggers and Influencers sparked a trending dialogue on Maple Syrup from Canada expanding to 21.6 million.
• With a total reach of 25.3 million that would have cost $235,000 in advertising, Maple Syrup of Canada's market share was markedly increased for a fraction of the price.